TestingBloomCanavanCysticDFNB1/FamilialFanconiGaucherMucolipidosisNiemann-Non-ClassicalTay-SachsTorsionLab Contact
LocationSyndromeDiseaseFibrosisConnexin 26DysautonomiaAnemia, Type CDiseaseType IVPick, Type AAdrenal HyperplasiaDiseaseDystoniaInformation
Athena Diagnostics * *http://www.athenadiagnostics.com
Baylor College of Medicine***** * * * http://www.bcmgeneticlabs.org/dnadiagnostic.htm
Boston University http://www.bumc.bu.edu/Departments/HomeMain.asp?DepartmentID=118
School of Medicine******* * *
Chapman’s Institute of Medical janep@hillcrest.com
Genetics ** * *
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles ** * * * bchilders@chla.usc.edu
Childrens Hospital and Medical lcsk@u.washington.edu
Medical Center (Seattle, WA) * *
Clinigene Laboratories ** * * jamoroso@sunriselab.com
Dianon* * * * * * http://www.dianon.com
Emory *** * * http://www.emory.edu/WHSC/GENETICSLAB
GeneDx * cheryl@genedx.com
Generin*** *** * generin@fyi.net
Genetics and IVF Institute ** * * * http://www.givf.com/labsvcsv.cfm
Genetics Center (Orange, CA) ** * * http://www.geneticscenter.com/
Genzyme Genetics*** ***** * http://www.genzymegenetics.com/
Greenwood Genetics Center *** * kbstewart@ggc.org
Henry Ford Center * * * kmonagh1@hfhs.org
Hospital for Sick Children http://www.sickkids.ca/molecular/
(Alberta, Canada) **** * *
Laboratory Corporation http://www.labcorp.com/
of America*** ** * *
Massachusetts General ** ** * * http://neuro-oas.mgh.harvard.edu/neurogenetics/
Mayo Clinic ** * *studinski.april@mayo.edu
Mt. Sinai School of Medicine*** *** * * (212) 241-6947
NYU Medical Center*** *** * oddouc01@mcrcr6.med.nyu.edu
Quest Diagnostics*** *** * * http://www.questdiagnostics.com
Rabin Medical Center (Israel)** *** * **mshohat@ccsg.tau.ac.il
Thomas Jefferson University*** *** * * http://www.tju.edu/lysolab/, (215) 955-8320
University of California at Los
Angeles, Diagnostic Molecular ** wgrody@mednet.ucla.edu
Pathology Laboratory
University of California at San
Diego, California Tay-Sachs * * nlevy@ucsd.edu
Disease Prevention Program
University of California at San
Francisco, Clinical Molecular ** http://pangloss.ucsfmedicalcenter.org/mdx/
Diagnostic Laboratory
University of Tennessee Medical npotter@mc.utmck.edu
Center, Molecular Diagnostic ** *
University of Utah School of http://dnadiagnosticlab.com
Medicine, DNA Diagnostic Lab ** *
Wayne State University *** * * (313) 993-2631
Wolfson Medical Center (Israel)******* *leshsilv@inter.net.il